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Inspirational Jewelry, Gifts and Gab

Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Ideas for the Greater Good - Number SIX

This is a continuation of "7 Ideas for the Greater Good." I got these ideas from a brochure that my husband brought home from an event he went to at UC Berkeley. The brochure had been buried on a bulletin board for over two years, and I was so glad to uncover it and reflect on the list again.

Savoring good experiences can heighten positive emotions.

Slowing down and being in the present moment is something I strive to do. It can be really hard in this fast paced life, but worth the effort. I like to go for a run (or walk) a few times a week, and I try to focus on my body and the world around me. It takes effort to train your brain, so I concentrate on feeling my feet hit the ground, my lungs fill with air and the quiet that surrounds me. It's bliss.

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