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Inspirational Jewelry, Gifts and Gab

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's Your Mantra?

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." -Buddha 

 I have visualized my life's goals since my early 20's. Back then, I called it "setting goals for myself." After much contemplation, I would decide on a distinct goal, imagine it and figure out how to achieve it. 

One of the greatest experiences of my life was working for Disneyland in Paris after graduating from college. Two years before, I was studying in France and took a bus tour that passed the massive site where EuroDisney was being constructed. It was barren, muddy and cold. I remember looking out the bus window, thinking to myself "I will work there someday. That is what I want to do." For two years, I pictured myself working there, traveling, and making international friends. That job changed my life because it was where I met my husband of nearly 15 years (the photo is of us two years ago at our reunion in Disneyland Paris).

My best friend Deb has known me for 20 years and has witnessed my thoughts become reality. She recently wrote the following to a friend: "My friend, Paula always always always wanted to be married by a certain age, wanted a house, dogs, then children by 30.  Guess what?  She has all of these things in the time line she gave herself.  Thoughts become things."

Deb wanted to set her own goals for her life. I suggested she name what she wanted. Perhaps some people don't know what they want, or just don't know how to say what they want. I say, shout it at the top of your lungs!!! Be concise, clear and make them all positive. For example:
I want:
1. to be independently successful
2. to be philanthropic.
3. to earn at least $5,000 per month
After you have listed what you want, make a movie in your head visualizing your achievements. In this scenario, my "movie" would include running a business that is lucrative. I can see myself sitting in my home office, confident and professional. My business would include an aspect that touches the community and makes a difference in people's families. In my "movie" I have a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. My "movie" runs through my head often. I can actually feel myself being in that situation. 

Need more proof that this works? For years I imagined my dream house. It was a big ranch house on a corner lot, surrounded by trees on a large piece of property. Guess what? I live in that house. The one I visualized was brick and mine is wood siding and stucco, but I can live with that. 

1 comment:

  1. Paula- Thank you for this and all of your other posts! Even though I can't visit you in person as often as I like, I can visit you here often! I love you like a good blog!



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